Setting Printer Epson LX-800 di Ubuntu

  1. Open System → Administration → Printing → New Printer, in select connection Device chose Gutenprint parallel port #1, chose that for printer epson, so as to Enter device URL emerged epson:/dev/lp0 → clicked Forward
  2. To printer driver chose provide PPD file
  3. Afterwards the direction would in file Epson-Dot Matrix-epson.ppd
  4. Give the name printer LX-300 and clicked Apply
  5. The clique in printer LX-300, the Make difference and his Model from Epson the Teat of Matrix Foomatic/epson to Epson the Teat of Matrix Foomatic/eps9mid with clicked the switch change
  6. To this time chose driver from “Select Printer from Databese” afterwards chose Epson → Forward
  7. In the Models part chose “Dot Matrix” whereas in the Drivers part chose “Epson the Teat of Matrix Foomatic/eps9mid” → Forward
  8. Afterwards chose “Use the new PPD (Postscript Printer Description) the USA is” → Forward
  9. Driver that just was used by → Apply
  10. So that results print better in the Printer Options part the difference resolution to 240x216.dpi. → Apply

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  1. Unknown says:

    Oh!! It's very useful information about the setting of Epson LX-800 printer... Thanks.

  2. Unknown says:

    thanks infonya, izin copy ya gan?